iPhone6s Newバッテリー SIM Free 128g gold From Apple store
1年ほど前にバッテリーを交換\r現在100%です\r\r擦れなどは多少はありますが、目立つほどのものではないです\r\rすべての起動は問題ありません\r\rボディーはシールドされています\r\r写真のものがすべてです\r\rご興味があればご連絡ください\r\r初期化しております\r\riPhone 6s - 技術仕様\r\rhttps://support.apple.com/kb/sp726?locale=ja_JP\r\rReplace the battery about a year ago\rCurrently 100%\rI kept it with the intention of using it, but while replacing the battery\rI bought another Iphone, so I didn't use it until now.\r\rThere is some rubbing, but it is not noticeable\r\rAll boots are fine\r\rBody is shielded by return from Apple\r\rThe enclosed items are all in the photo\r\rPlease contact me if you are interested\r\rIt has already been initialized (it was initialized w)\r\riPhone 6s-Technical Specifications\r\rhttps://support.apple.com/kb/sp726?locale=ja_JP